Creating Connections South-Southand Triangular Cooperation


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Creating Connections South-Southand Triangular Cooperation

January 25, 2019

The genesis of South-South Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific dates back to the 1955 Bandung Conference, in Indonesia. At the meeting, the five sponsors – Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan – reflected their dissatisfaction with the perceived reluctance by the West to consult them on decisions affecting Asia. They were concerned about tensions between China and the United States, and they were opposed to colonialism. This period also coincided with the independence of some key countries and reflected the sponsors’ commitment, to support others in their drive for freedom

The twelve stories in this publication showcase the depth and breadth of South-South and Triangular Cooperation, across Asia and the Pacific. They illustrate how two or more developing countries, from within the region and beyond, are working to achieve development priorities.

The examples also demonstrate how UNDP has played a pivotal role in these partnerships; helping countries share knowledge, expertise, development solutions, and resources.

Regions and Countries